Want to know how a potential employee will think, feel or perceive particular situations?

We all know the statements about past behaviour predicting future performance. Here at The Rogers Group we help our clients turn that statement into a science.

Behavioural & Personality Testing – The Rogers GroupWhilst skills, abilities, knowledge and education are obviously important, the true measure of success comes from matching the behavioural profile of the individual to the needs of the job role.

Fast-growing high success companies already know this, that’s why most of them put at least 80% of the focus of their selection methodology and interview on behaviours rather than skills.

Whether it’s personality, emotional intelligence, reliability or even safety attitude we have a range of best in class tools to put you on the right track.


Personality Assessments

We offer a stable of high performing psychometric assessments from five established authors. These are designed to assess a range of personality requirements at different levels. We’ll need to talk further to see which of these suit your needs best so, call us today to discuss your requirements with one of our team.


Emotional Intelligence

Genos Emotional Intelligence – When using emotional intelligence instruments for selection, we need an extremely robust instrument with strong validity scales. The GENOS Emotional Intelligence recruit version has multiple validity scales and can detect both conscious manipulation and subconscious inflation. It is a highly effective tool for measuring communication & awareness of self & others, as well as the capacity to persuade and influence.


Psychometrics Employee Reliability Inventory (ERI) – the ERI is a powerful multifaceted behavioural selection tool. Scales measured include freedom from disruptive drug and alcohol use, courtesy, emotional maturity, conscientiousness, trustworthiness, long term job commitment and safe job performance.

Safety Behaviours

Psyfactors Situational Safety Awareness (SSA) – Situational Safety Awareness measures a person’s safety attitudes and competency in roles where safety is of high concern. This is a true Human Factors Safety Test not merely a personality measure or competency test and is legally defensible.

In addition to the above mentioned Personality & Behavioural Assessments The Rogers Group offers a range of Cognitive & Aptitude tests, Skills & Abilities tests, and Industry & Skill Specific tests.